Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Who's going to teach the teachers to be teachers?

Remeber those television ads where kids were asked to name their heroes and their responses included the names of their teachers? Well, teachers should be heroes. Young minds are very susceptible, and a teacher helps develop young individuals into the adults they will grow up to be. Unfortunately, these vital tasks are often assumed by rather incompetent individuals. Human beings do have a proclivity to be a bit biased, and favor one individual over another. Of course this also means that they also tend to dislike one over another, and teachers are no exception to this.

Read this article:

It is regarding a boy named Osama, who was flagrantly abused by his peers for sharing the name 1st name with the world's most despicable hitman. Yes, though there is no way to rationalize this, kids are puerile and have a propensity to be obtuse towards other. But to exacerbate the situation, the teachers also participated in this. I'm a bit ambivalent as to who the teachers abused more here. Was it the boy Osama, or his tormentors whose behavior they declined to check. Do not the duty of school teachers include reinforcing good intentions and stifling flagrance. In their failure to execute this task, not only have they failed to show their pupils the proper way to act, but they also drove a model student into a state of depression. Consequently, his potential was curbed and his self-esteem was wounded. Thx to these teachers, the world may be denied what he has to offer it. Teaching is an important task, one these Staten Island employees obviously failed to appreciate. If you're not suited for this line of work, do something more suitable to your intelligence, life picking up dog crap off the sidewalks.

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