Saturday, November 8, 2008

where in the world is Chad Miller?

Chad Miller is a homeboy I knew from since @ least junior high school.  we made a bet back in the day.  he said  that a black man would never be elected president of the United States.  I disagreed, and bet him $500 that within the next 50 years, a black man would be elected.  we shook hands.  if anyone's seen Chad Miller, please tell the brother that I want my $$$ :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

who needs hbo???

if you can wait a day, you can actually watch Entourage (yes, the fresh episodes) for free @ . . . props to my boy Sheetal for informing me

Friday, July 25, 2008

making trips in poker

from a late position with many limpers, i have no problem calling w K9 . . . in fact, 9 is the worst kicker i'll call coupled with a King. making a set is when you got the problem however. if two players check before you, and you bet, and your bet is re-raised, it's time to consider throwing away your set. i like sets better when one of the community cards complements your wired pair

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

object oriented programming for neophyte programmers

"there's a tendency for people to teach arts without introducing their faculties. this gives birth to the statement 'a little knowledge can be dangerous'" ~Miyamoto Musashi author of The Book of Five Rings

most academic institutions now teach intro to CS courses in Java. for people who have programmed before, this isn't too bad, but for novice programmers, it takes forever to grasp the concept of instantiating an intrinsic data type such as INT or CHAR and to appreciate that compilation errors result in passing the wrong data type to the wrong function.

knowing that beginners flounder with such concepts, how do you expect students not to flounder in creating their own classes and instantiating objects of that data type?

it would perhaps be more practical to conduct an intro programming class as well as data structures in a functional language and then have another course which segues from functional to object orient programming.

because the whole purpose of getting an education is to have a solid foundation on which you can foster other types of related knowledge later

Monday, June 16, 2008


once on the campus of Columbia, I overheard two girls talking about the taxation system and one of them said, "why tax only the wealthy, is it a crime to be rich?" when Democrats speak, they say that they want what is best for the middle class? something has to be lost in the translation here. I completed Barack Obama's 2nd book and he mentions how in his conversations with Warren Buffet that people who are rewarded by tax cuts for the wealthy are those who reap the benefits from dividends of investments? nobody wants hard work to go unpunished. there has to be a much better way to make tax cuts sound more appealing for everyone

Big Slick

given my intitials and my e-mail handle, you may find it ironic that in hold 'em, big slick doesn't rank amongst my favorite hands . . . i would go on the offensive with it, but never on the defensive . . . (it's not worth going on the defensive regardless in poker) . . . i was watching the WPT the other day . . . someone raised with Big Slick, and got re-raised with someone holding A 10 . . . after pondering, he folded. what could possibly be better than AK preflop? do you think someone would re-raise w / pokcet 2's? AA and KK . . . are amongst the few candidates that are better. unless you're up for all your chips, it was right to call that re-raise, or rather re-raise that re-raise

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Lakers Vs. The Celtics

wow, this is classic sports . . . still not sure who i'm rooting for . . . sports are boring unless you're rooting for a team . . . w / the exception of soccer . . . i guess it'll boil down to who i liked more Larry Bird or Magic Johnson